SIDES E-Response Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is SIDES E-Response?
  2. Developed through a strategic partnership between the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) and state unemployment insurance (UI) agencies, the State Information Data Exchange System E-Response offer employers and third-party administrators (TPAs) – free of charge – a secure, electronic and nationally-standardized format to better anticipate and supply the data needed for responding to UI information requests, reduce follow-up phone calls and streamline UI response processes.

  3. Who are candidates for SIDES E-Response?

    SIDES E-Response is a website that provides an easy and efficient way to respond to UI information requests from state UI agencies. SIDES E-Response is best suited for employers and TPAs/PEOs with a limited number of annual UI claims. It requires a working internet connection, email address and connectivity and an employee who will enter the needed information.

  4. Who can use SIDES E-Response?
  5. SIDES E-Response is available free of charge to DC employers and TPAs.

  6. What kind of information is exchanged through SIDES E-Response?

    Currently, UI information related to job separation is exchanged through SIDES E-Response. Other exchanges, including earnings verification and monetary and potential charges will be available soon.

  7. What is the benefit of using SIDES E-Response?

    SIDES E-Response give employers, TPAs PEOs an electronic way to simplify and streamline responses to UI information requests, saving time and money by:

  8. As a result, improper payments are prevented, and UI tax rates are kept as low as possible.

  9. Who developed SIDES E-Response and why?
  10. SIDES E-Response was developed through a strategic partnership between the USDOL and state UI agencies to improve the UI information exchange process, reduce instances of improper UI payments and save employers and TPAs time and money.

  11. Who administers SIDES E-Response?
  12. SIDES E-Response for DC employers is administered by the DC Department of Employment Services.

  13. What are the requirements to use SIDES E-Response?
  14. SIDES E-Responserequires only a working internet connection and an employee who will enter the needed information. No programming or customization is required.

  15. How much does it cost to use SIDES -Response?
  16. SIDES E-Response is offered free of charge to employers and TPAs.

  17. How secure is SIDES E-Response?
  18. SIDES E-Response has multiple layers of security. SIDES E-Response uses secure communication protocols. The highest standard of security is important given the sensitive data exchanged between state UI agencies and employers and TPAs.

  19. What UI system was in place before SIDES E-Response?
  20. Before SIDES E-Response, state UI agencies requested information from employers and TPAs via a slow, manual, paper-based mail process.

  21. What are the main causes of UI overpayments?
  22. The two largest causes of UI overpayments are incorrect initial eligibility decisions (job separation issues) and working while receiving UI benefits. Many UI overpayments, which could be prevented by receiving timely and accurate information, negatively impact employers’ bottom lines. In fiscal year 2011, the UI system paid $117 billion in federal and state UI benefits to 18.7 million beneficiaries. The USDOL estimates that 12 percent of these benefits were paid improperly.

  23. Is SIDES E-Response expected to reduce UI overpayments?
  24. SIDES E-Response has the potential to reduce UI overpayments while improving the UI information exchange process

  25. What resources are required to access SIDES E-Response system?
  26. SIDES E-Response requires a working internet connection, access to an email account to receive UI Separation Request notifications, and an employee who will enter the needed information.

  27. E-Response requires a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to register. How do I obtain a PIN?
  28. PINs were mailed to most DC Employers business address on November 25, 2013. DC Employers using a Third Party Administrator (TPA) were not sent a PIN. If you decide to sign up for E-Response and did not previously receive a PIN, create an email, and insert the text “E-Response Registration Request” in the subject line. Enclose your six-digit State Employment Identification Number (SEIN), and send to [email protected]. We will mail you a notification letter with a PIN using the contact and address information on file. The PIN, your SEIN, and your Federal Employment Identification Number (FEIN) are required to sign up for DC SIDES E-Response.

  29. If I am already using DC Networks, will the separation information from SIDES E-Response show up in DC Networks?
  30. Yes, initial responses submitted through SIDES E-Response are uploaded in to the DC Unemployment Insurance database, and will be available for you to view through your DC networks employer account. Note SIDES E-Response amendments containing employer’s additions or corrections are not displayed using DC Networks.

  31. Will I be able to track or look at historical data though SIDES E-Response?
  32. No, we strongly recommend you print or save a copy of your E-Response submission for your records. You may also save an electronic copy of the PDF document in SIDES E-Response; however, your response and the saved PDF are deleted from E-Response after 30 days.

  33. Will I still receive paper “Request for Separation Information” forms from DOES?
  34. No, when you sign up for SIDES E-Response, you will begin to receive electronic email notifications from DOES. You may enter up to four email addresses in your SIDES E-Response account.